One of the ways Mr. Coley engages students in their learning, keeps parents informed of new learning and provides students with resources is by creating podcasts. Under Podcasting Resources, Mr. Coley explains how a podcast is differnt from an audio/video file and how to create an RSS feed. Any type of audio/video recording of students can be time consuming, but once you get the hang of it and learn how to mange it in the classroom the possibilities are endless!
As a first grade teacher, one way I used audio was to create a retelling of The Little Red Hen. This story is a part of our Communities unit. I used the built in recorder on my teacher laptop, recorded the students reading and added the audio files to a PowerPoint. Another way I used audio was to record my students singing songs about Australia and added it to a presentation of our Imaginary Flight to Australia using Windows Movie Maker. One way I used video was to create a presentation for Open House connected to our learning of Community Contributors. Using a digital camera, I recorded the students explaining what they want to be when they grow up. I shared this work with parents through my classroom blog. Next time I'd like to take it a step further and created a podcast!
For this weeks post, visit ColeyCast and StudyCast. Share how you would use audio/video recordings to enhance your curriculum. Would you record yourself and/or students? Would you create a podcast or post audio/video files to your SWIFT site/send as an e-mail? How would you poll your parents/students to find which would be best for them?